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卷板机是一种将金属板料弯卷成筒体、锥体、曲面体或其他形体的一 种专用锻压机械设备,广泛用于汽锅、造船、化工、金属结构及机械制造 职业。本课题的研讨旨在改良老式卷板机的缺乏,行进生产率、下降工人劳动强度,满意厂方对板料加工的生产需求。
Bending machine is a special equipment for forging machinery sheet metal bending into a cylinder, cone, or other body surface, widely used in boiler, shipbuilding, chemical industry, metal structure and machinery occupation. The purpose of this study is to improve the lack of the old type rolling machine, to improve the productivity, to reduce the labor intensity of the workers, and to satisfy the production demand of the factory.